Merchandise is every product you buy or sell from a brand or a company. Different types of merch are available, but when we talk about merch in the printing industry, we refer to branded merchandise. Whether a company, organization,...
Dreaming of creating merch that will attract a lot of attention and increase brand recognition? Eye-catching merch design ideas can effortlessly turn your fans into brand ambassadors. But where do you even begin, and how to make custom merch?...
Squeegees are one of the vital tools in screen printing. We use them to apply the ink through the mesh screen onto the garment. Considering the uniqueness of each project we have, we can utilize different screen printing squeegee...
Screen printing is a widely used printing technique for creating bold and vibrant designs. It has an artistic charm and is excellent for printing various designs onto all sorts of surfaces, including apparel, posters, and ceramics. However, beneath the...
If you are in the screen printing industry, you must know just how important it is to have your garments secured in place. To prevent the garment from moving and get a nicely done print, you need to use...
Have you ever wondered how a spectrum of colors fascinatingly translates into vibrant and exquisite prints? The answer lies in an artistic process for creating colorful creations known as color separation. But what is color separation in printing? This...
Ever since the inception of printing art in the screen printing industry, there have been many developments. These advancements allowed us to streamline the process. Still, many factors affect the quality of prints. One of the most common questions...
When it comes to choosing the best quality cotton for t-shirts, there are a few factors to consider, like the fabric type, the printing method, and, of course, your personal preference. Different cotton types offer different benefits, including comfort,...
Printing is a widely used practice suitable for both individuals and businesses. Many companies invest in this service as a marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, and promote their products. With various options available, we’ve noticed...
Since its invention, the screen printing technique has evolved in every aspect. The equipment has advanced, but so do the materials used in the process. One of those inventions is the specialized puff ink. But what is puff print,...